

Thanks for checking out my blog!  My name is Andrea and I have had a passion for cooking and baking for almost as long as I can remember.  I grew up in the restaurant business (my family owned and operated several restaurants in the Northwest) so naturally I have always gravitated towards food.  I have an amazing husband of 25 years and 3 kids.  We also have the best dog in the world named Emma!

I have titled this blog Cutting the Apron Strings for a couple of reasons.  My kids are growing up and moving away, ready to start their own lives and now I have the time to dive into something new.  I have been a stay at home mom for more than 23 years.  I taught yoga for 15 years. I worked in the restaurant business for 14 years.  My children are growing up and out…time to reinvent myself!

I love trying new recipes and tweaking them to make them my own.  My plan for this blog is to share my story and of course some delicious recipes.  Hopefully I will inspire you to try some of them!